Cyfoethogi cymuned yr ysgol trwy’r Celfyddydau Mynegiannol a gweithio mewn Partneriaeth

Ysgol Tudno and Ensemble Cymru are developing innovative practice within the Expressive Arts through a collaborative professional-enquiry approach, they are increasing engagement by being responsive to pupils’ needs and interests and they are building relationships between the school and the wider community. Ysgol Tudno is a primary school in Llandudno, with 208 pupils on roll.  They are eager to develop their Expressive Arts curriculum as they are aware that many pupils do not have access to this area of learning and experience outside their formal education.  The school also view an arts-rich curriculum as an essential factor in increasing engagement and improving wellbeing.   Experiences in this Area can provide inspiration and motivation as it brings learners into contact with creative processes.  This means providing learners with opportunities such as visits to theatres and galleries and bringing the expertise of external practitioners into the classroom.  Education Wales, 20202.  Ensemble Cymru are the leading chamber music performing group in Wales with core membership of 16 instrumentalists and singers.  Established as a charity in 2002, its mission is to champion Wales’ heritage and contemporary chamber music culture alongside chamber music from across the world to audiences in Wales and internationally.  Inspired by a project in Germany in 2015 where a philharmonic orchestra took up residency in a local comprehensive school, Ensemble Cymru partnered with Ysgol Tudno in early 2020 with the aim of establishing a residency over a sustained period.  They aimed to use Kodaly and Dalcroze approaches as a way of introducing chamber music to young children and as a team become embedded within school life and build bridges into the community.  The work of the professional musicians has mainly focussed on Year 5, and the practitioner in music pedagogy has run weekly sessions for all the Foundation Stage children, and the children attending the pre-school group.  There have also been opportunities for all the pupils in the school to interact with the professional chamber musicians, composer, and practitioner as they have gradually immersed into the school community.    ‘I played them a simple French folk tune which they then clapped to and spotted dynamics and tempo. Also played a tarantella and they were interactive with their responses to the tempo and dynamics. Lots of great questions and talking about different composers and other famous pieces of cello music’.  Ensemble Cymru, 2020  In line with Curriculum for Wales guidance for the Expressive Arts, Ensemble Cymru in partnership with the school are addressing knowledge, skills, and capacities in their work.  The pupils have been introduced to a variety of instruments such as the cello, clarinet, harp and piano and composers including Beethoven and Bach.  Capacities include curiosity, critical thinking, developing imagination and the senses; this is resulting in high-engagement and an appreciation of music as a way of communicating ideas and emotions.  ‘They were very imaginative with their ideas. I'm very pleased that many of the children are pro-active in the session with their questions and observations. It really felt that we were all feeding off each other at times.  Ensemble Cymru, 2020  The Ensemble Cymru team together with the lead teacher are using a professional-enquiry approach in planning the work.  They have an objective to reach, an end of project performance, but the work is open-ended which allows the team to respond to the learners needs and interests.  As the pupils’ understanding and knowledge progresses or their curiosity is piqued, the team can adapt to encourage and support the learners.  Often, this approach has allowed them to make connections with other areas of the curriculum, for instance Year 5 decided that two pieces should be about Gelert and the team seized on the prospect of exploring Welsh culture and traditions as part of the project.  ‘Continuing with the Llywelyn and Gelert story, this time the two characters, Gelert and wolf fighting each other; “thunder and lightning when they see each other”. Fast, loud, exciting, and dramatic. Loud; big; glissandos using nails; cello: plucking strings near tuning pegs as raindrops or wolf tiptoeing’.   Ensemble Cymru, 2020  In another session, this time with Year 1, Ensemble Cymru were able to make connections with the weather.  The pupils were asked to consider whether they thought the music (Winter) is storm-like or whether they could identify other types of weather in the piece, they identified thunder, lightning, and the sun.  They also recognised changes in dynamics from loud to quiet.  ‘The Headteacher requested a second performance after asking the children some questions about what they had heard.  A lot of the younger children thought that the "boingy" harp noises were really funny’.   Ensemble Cymru, 2020  Physical movement and wellbeing have also been key features of the project, with the 5 ways to wellbeing model being used by the team as a planning tool.  Sessions with the Foundation Stage pupils begin with short circle-time activities to create a positive climate and build trust.  The pupils are encouraged to move to the music, in one session they were asked to listen carefully to the piano piece then allow their feet to copy what the music does.  The children were able to consider the tempo and respond with slow steps, walking or running.  This learner-centred approach is further developed in an innovative manner with the Year 5 pupils commissioning music based on a theme of their choice, they decided to choose the theme of ‘animals’.  Also, the School Council have been given a central role as project governors and evaluators, giving them active responsibility with the support from school staff and Ensemble Cymru.    It is in this combination of planning within the area of learning, the inclusion of cross-cutting themes, the focus on knowledge, skills and experience that ensures this work is addressing the four purposes in an authentic and meaningful way.  The team have been able to do this effectively through strong collaboration and regular communication which has included reflective practice.  To work around everyone is schedules they have utilised Microsoft Teams as a platform for continuous dialogue, feedback, and planning.  Therefore, this has allowed everyone involved to work iteratively, having a rough plan of where they want to go but the flexibility to change direction if elements are not working or if the pupils need a different strategy.  The team met with parents, guardians, and carers early in the project to discuss the work, to ensure they felt included in this part of their child’s education and understood the longer-term aims.  The team have also engaged with all members of the school’s community including the lunch-time staff.  In the Spring the project was disrupted due to Covid-19 therefore, unfortunately the community relationship building was brought to a halt.  However, in October the team were able to restart the work albeit in a different way.  Ensemble Cymru are not able to physically resume their residency but they have started to work with the pupils again through virtual sessions on online platforms.  As part of the professional-enquiry approach they are gathering evidence of impact to inform the final evaluation and their ongoing professional learning.  In addition, school staff who have worked closely with the Ensemble Cymru team have been able to use this work as evidence of meeting the professional standards as it addresses all five elements, pedagogy, leadership, collaboration, innovation and professional learning.  Therefore, this case study presents a blue-print for innovative and high-quality school and cultural partnerships that not only respond to the requirements of the new curriculum and professional standards but makes the future vision of education in Wales – sing!  Nia Richards Tybed  Tybed is a not-for-profit enterprise based in North Wales aiming to rethink education through innovation and partnerships.  Since its inception in May 2020, they have worked with a range of international organisations including UNESCO, HundrED, IDEO and Amazing People Schools.  They have also been working with House of Imagination to continue the conversation instigated by UNESCO’s consultation on the ‘Futures of Education’ and designing online professional learning opportunities. Tybed was founded by Nia Richards. Nia was the Regional Lead for the Welsh Government and Arts Council of Wales national creative learning programme from 2015 to 2020.  Highlights of her role include working with over 150 primary, secondary, and special education school across the region to develop creative and expansive approaches to the curriculum.  She also initiated, brokered, and designed a national leadership programme with the National Academy for Educational Leadership (NAEL). She has 13 years’ experience as a secondary and further education head of subject and teacher, an MA in Practitioner Research and she is a member and coordinator for the International Professional Development Association. She is also a Fellow of the Royal Academy for the Arts.  Latest paper: Richards, N. & Hadaway, S. (2020) Inter-professionalism between teachers and creative practitioners: Risk, exploration, and professional identity – learning in situ and the impact on practice. Practice: Contemporary Issues in Practitioner Education. Twitter: @NiaRichards1 @TybedWales

Datblygodd Ysgol Tudno ac Ensemble Cymru arfer arloesol ym maes y Celfyddydau Mynegiannol drwy ddull ymholi-proffesiynol cydweithredol ac maent wedi cynyddu ymgysylltiad trwy ymateb i anghenion a diddordebau’r disgyblion ac wedi meithrin cysylltiadau rhwng yr ysgol a’r gymuned ehangach.

Adroddiad Annibynnol gan Nia Richards (Tybed)

Mae ysgolion cymunedol effeithiol yn defnyddio asedau’r ysgol mewn modd ystyriol i wella bywydau plant a theuluoedd yn y gymuned leol. Maent yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth â grwpiau a sefydliadau lleol mewn ffyrdd mentrus a chreadigol. Maent yn ceisio mynd i’r afael â bylchau mewn darpariaeth chwaraeon, diwylliannol neu ofal lleol.

Estyn 20201

Gall profiadau yn y maes hwn ysbrydoli a chymell dysgwyr gan eu bod yn rhoi cyfle iddyn nhw ddod i gyswllt â phrosesau creadigol. Golyga hyn gynnig cyfleoedd i ddysgwyr gael profiadau megis ymweld â theatrau ac orielau, ac i ddod ag arbenigedd ymarferwyr allanol i mewn i’r ystafell ddosbarth.

Addysg Cymru, 20202

Ein diolchiadau….

Ar ran y plant, athrawon, cerddorion, cyfansoddwyr ac ymarferwyr cerdd, carai Ensemble Cymru ddiolch i bawb sy’n parhau i roi mor hael i ddod â ni at ein gilydd i ddysgu gan, ac ysbrydoli ein gilydd. Yn benodol, carai Ensemble Cymru ddiolch ein cefnogwyr gan gynnwys y rhai a roddodd i Apel Nadolig y Big Give yn 2018, Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, y Loteri a Llywodraeth Cymru fel rhan o’u rhaglen Cydweithio Creadigol.

y Prosiect

Picture of pianist and french horn player in primary school
Diwrnod rhannu yn ystod amser cinio Ysgol Tudno 2019 Sharing day at Ysgol Tudno lunchtime 2019


Wedi’i ysbrydoli gan brosiect yn yr Almaen yn 2015 lle cymerodd cerddorfa ffilharmonig breswyliaeth mewn ysgol gyfun leol, yn gynnar yn 2020 partnerodd Ensemble Cymru gydag Ysgol Tudno gyda’r bwriad o sefydlu preswyliaeth dros gyfnod parhaus. Eu nod oedd defnyddio dulliau Kodály a Dalcroze fel modd o gyflwyno cerddoriaeth siambr i blant ifanc ac fel tîm i ymsefydlu ym mywyd yr ysgol ac adeiladu pontydd i’r gymuned y tu hwnt.


Blwyddyn 5 (oedran 9-10)

Children around cello with harp in background and children watching
Ensemble Cymru yn Ysgol Tudno Ensemble Cymru in Ysgol Tudno

Canolbwyntiodd y cerddorion proffesiynol yn bennaf ar Flwyddyn 5, a chynhaliodd yr arbenigwyr mewn addysg gerddorol sesiynau wythnosol ar gyfer plant yn y Cyfnod Sylfaen, a’r plant sy’n mynychu’r grŵp cyn-ysgol.  Bu cyfleoedd hefyd i holl ddisgyblion yr ysgol ryngweithio gyda’r cerddorion siambr, y cyfansoddwr a’r ymarferydd wrth iddynt dreiddio’n raddol i gymuned yr ysgol.

‘Mi wnes i chwarae alaw werin Ffrengig syml iddyn nhw ac wedyn fe wnaethon nhw glapio iddi a sylwi ar ddeinameg a thempo. Hefyd, chwaraeais darantela ac roeddent yn rhyngweithiol â’u hymatebion i’r tempo a’r ddeinameg. Cafwyd llawer o gwestiynau gwych a siarad am wahanol gyfansoddwyr a darnau enwog eraill o gerddoriaeth ar gyfer y cello’.

Ensemble Cymru, 2020

Yn unol â chanllawiau’r Cwricwlwm i Gymru ar gyfer y Celfyddydau Mynegiannol, llwyddodd Ensemble Cymru, mewn partneriaeth â’r ysgol i fynd i’r afael â gwybodaeth, sgiliau a galluoedd yn eu gwaith. Cyflwynwyd amrywiaeth o offerynnau i’r disgyblion gan gynnwys y cello, clarinét, telyn a phiano a chyfansoddwyr gan gynnwys Beethoven a Bach. Ymhlith y sgiliau craidd, pwysleisiwyd pwysigrwydd chwilfrydedd, meddwl yn feirniadol, meithrin dychymyg a’r synhwyrau; mae hyn yn arwain at ymgysylltiad uchel a gwerthfawrogiad o gerddoriaeth fel dull o gyfleu syniadau ac emosiynau.

‘Roeddent yn ddychmygus iawn gyda’u syniadau. Rwy’n falch iawn bod llawer o’r plant yn rhagweithiol yn y sesiwn gyda’u cwestiynau a’u sylwadau. Roeddwn yn teimlo ein bod ni i gyd yn bwydo oddi ar ein gilydd ar adegau ’

Ensemble Cymru, 2020

Ymateb i anghenion a diddordebau’r plant

Defnyddiodd tîm Ensemble Cymru ynghyd â’r athro arweiniol ddull ymholi-proffesiynol wrth gynllunio’r gwaith. Roedd ganddyn nhw nod i’w gyrraedd, perfformiad ar ddiwedd y prosiect, ond bu’r gwaith yn hyblyg a oedd yn caniatáu i’r tîm ymateb i anghenion a diddordebau’r plant. Wrth i ddealltwriaeth a gwybodaeth y disgyblion gynyddu neu wrth i’w chwilfrydedd gael ei danio, llwyddodd aelodau’r tîm i addasu er mwyn annog a chefnogi’r unigolion. Yn aml, caniataodd y dull hwn iddynt greu cysylltiadau â meysydd eraill o’r cwricwlwm, er enghraifft penderfynodd aelodau dosbarth Blwyddyn 5 y dylai dau ddarn fod yn seiliedig ar stori Gelert a chipiodd y tîm ar y cyfle hwnnw i archwilio diwylliant a thraddodiadau Cymru fel rhan greiddiol o’r prosiect.

‘Gan barhau â stori Llywelyn a Gelert, y tro hwn y ddau gymeriad, Gelert a’r blaidd yn ymladd ei gilydd; “Taranau a mellt wrth weld ei gilydd”. Cyflym, uchel, cyffrous a dramatig. Yn uchel; mawr; defnyddio ewinedd i greu glissandos; cello: pluo’r tannau ger y pegiau tiwnio fel glawog neu flaidd ar flaenau ei draed’.

Ensemble Cymru, 2020

Blwyddyn 1 (oedran 5-6)

Lucy – arweinydd addysg

Mewn sesiwn arall, gydag aelodau’r Flwyddyn 1af, creodd Ensemble Cymru gysylltiadau gyda’r tywydd. Gofynnwyd i’r disgyblion ystyried os oeddent yn credu bod y gerddoriaeth (Gaeaf) yn debyg i storm neu wrth iddynt nodi mathau eraill o dywydd yn y darn, fe gafwyd synau taranau, mellt a’r haul. Roeddent hefyd yn cydnabod newidiadau mewn dynameg o uchel i dawel.

‘Gofynnodd y Pennaeth am ail berfformiad ar ôl holi rhai o’r plant am beth yr oeddent wedi’i glywed. Roedd llawer o’r plant iau yn meddwl bod synau’r “boingy” y delyn yn wirioneddol

Ensemble Cymru, 2020

5 Ffordd i Les

Bu symudiad corfforol a lles yn nodweddion allweddol yn y prosiect hwn hefyd, gyda’r model ‘5 ffordd i les’ yn cael ei ddefnyddio gan y tîm fel arf cynllunio. Dechreuwyd sesiynau gyda disgyblion y Cyfnod Sylfaen gyda gweithgareddau amser cylch i greu hinsawdd gadarnhaol a meithrin ymddiriedaeth. Anogwyd y disgyblion i symud i sain y gerddoriaeth ac mewn un sesiwn gofynnwyd iddynt wrando’n ofalus ar y darn piano a chaniatáu i’w traed gopïo’r hyn yr oedd y gerddoriaeth yn ei wneud. Llwyddodd y plant i ystyried y tempo ac ymateb gyda chamau araf, cerdded neu redeg.

Datblygwyd y dull arloesol hwn sy’n canolbwyntio ar y disgyblion ymhellach gydag aelodau dosbarth Blwyddyn 5 yn comisiynu darn o gerddoriaeth a oedd yn seiliedig ar thema o’u dewis hwy. Fe wnaethant benderfynu dewis y thema ‘anifeiliaid’. Y mae Cyngor yr Ysgol wedi cael rôl ganolog fel llywodraethwyr a gwerthuswyr y prosiect hwn hefyd, gan roi cyfrifoldeb gweithredol iddynt gyda chefnogaeth staff yr ysgol ac Ensemble Cymru.

Y cyfuniad hwn o gynllunio yn y maes dysgu, gan gynnwys themâu trawsbynciol, gyda ffocws ar wybodaeth, sgiliau a phrofiad a sicrhaodd fod y gwaith yn mynd i’r afael â’r pedair amcan mewn dull dilys ac ystyrlon.

Adborth a Chynllunio Parhaus drwy dechnoleg

Llwyddodd y tîm i wneud hyn yn effeithiol trwy gydweithrediad cadarn a chyfathrebu yn rheolaidd sydd wedi cynnwys dull o weithredu’n ofalus a myfyriol. Er mwyn cyfuno amserlenni pawb, maent wedi defnyddio Microsoft Teams fel llwyfan ar gyfer deialog, adborth a chynllunio parhaus. Caniataodd hyn i bawb a oedd yn ymwneud â’r cynllun i weithio’n ailadroddol, a chael cynllun bras o’r nodau pennaf ond yr hyblygrwydd hefyd i newid cyfeiriad os nad oedd rhai elfennau’n gweithio neu os oedd angen strategaeth wahanol ar gyfer y disgyblion.

Yr ysgol fel cymuned

Cyfarfu’r tîm â rhieni, gwarcheidwaid a gofalwyr yn gynnar yn y prosiect i drafod y gwaith, er mwyn sicrhau eu bod nhw’n teimlo’n rhan o addysg eu plant a bod ganddynt ddealltwriaeth o’r nodau tymor-hir. Mae’r tîm hefyd wedi ymgysylltu â phob aelod o gymuned yr ysgol gan gynnwys y staff amser cinio.  

Collage of Musicians presenting through online video
Collage of musicians presenting virtually by videoconferencing; Chwith-uchod Nick Pearce Cerddor arweiniol Dde Uchod Cyfansoddwr arweiniol Mared Emlyn wedyn Peryn Clement-Evans, Martin Ludenbach a Huw Clement-Evans

Yn y Gwanwyn, amharodd Cofid-19 ar y prosiect ac yn anffodus, daeth y gwaith o sefydlu cyswllt cymunedol i ben.  Fodd bynnag, ym mis Hydref, llwyddodd y tîm i ail-gychwyn y gwaith mewn modd gwahanol. Er na lwyddodd Ensemble Cymru i ail-gychwyn eu preswyliaeth yn y cnawd, maent wedi dechrau gweithio gyda’r disgyblion eto drwy gyfrwng sesiynau rhithiol ac ar lwyfannau ar-lein. Fel rhan o’r dull ymholi-proffesiynol, maent wrthi’n cywain tystiolaeth o effaith y prosiect er mwyn llywio’r gwerthusiad terfynol a’r broses o ddysgu proffesiynol parhaus.

Meincnod ar gyfer partneriaethau arloesol

Yn ogystal, defnyddiodd staff yr ysgol a fu’n gweithio’n agos gyda thîm Ensemble Cymru y gweithgaredd hwn fel tystiolaeth o gyrraedd safonau proffesiynol gan eu bod yn ymateb i’r pum elfen, sef addysgeg, arweinyddiaeth, cydweithredu, arloesi a dysgu proffesiynol. Mae’r astudiaeth achos hon yn cyflwyno meincnodau ar gyfer partneriaethau diwylliannol ar gyfer ysgolion sydd yn arloesol ac o ansawdd uchel, sydd nid yn unig yn ymateb i ofynion y cwricwlwm newydd a safonau proffesiynol ond sy’n sicrhau’r weledigaeth ar gyfer dyfodol addysg yng Nghymru drwy gyfrwng canu!

Am Ysgol Tudno

Ysgol Gynradd yn Llandudno yw Ysgol Tudno, gyda 208 o ddisgyblion ar y gofrestr. Maent yn awyddus i ddatblygu eu cwricwlwm Celfyddydau Mynegiannol gan eu bod yn ymwybodol nad oes gan lawer o’r disgyblion fynediad i’r maes dysgu hwn a phrofiad ohono y tu hwnt i’w haddysg ffurfiol.  Mae’r ysgol hefyd yn cydnabod gwerth arbennig cwricwlwm celfyddydol cyfoeth fel ffactor hanfodol er mwyn cynyddu ymgysylltiad a gwella lles.

Am Ensemble Cymru

Ensemble Cymru yw’r prif grŵp perfformio cerddoriaeth siambr yng Nghymru gydag aelodaeth graidd o 16 o offerynwyr a chantorion.  Sefydlwyd yr Ensemble yn 2002 a’i genhadaeth yw hyrwyddo diwylliant cerddoriaeth siambr Gymreig o bob cyfnod, ynghyd â cherddoriaeth siambr o bob rhan o’r byd, i gynulleidfaoedd yng Nghymru ac yn rhyngwladol. 

Am Tybed

Mae Tybed yn fenter ddielw wedi’i lleoli yng Ngogledd Cymru sy’n anelu at ailfeddwl addysg trwy arloesi a phartneriaethau. Ers ei sefydlu ym mis Mai 2020, mae’r cwmni wedi gweithio gydag ystod o sefydliadau rhyngwladol gan gynnwys UNESCO, HundrED, IDEO ac Amazing People Schools. Maent hefyd wedi gweithio gyda House of Imagination i barhau’r sgwrs a ysgogwyd gan ymgynghoriad UNESCO am ‘Ddyfodol Addysg’ a, dylunio cyfleoedd dysgu proffesiynol ar-lein.

Sefydlwyd Tybed gan Nia Richards. Roedd Nia yn Arweinydd Rhanbarthol i’r rhaglen ddysgu greadigol genedlaethol gan Lywodraeth Cymru a Chyngor Celfyddydau Cymru rhwng 2015 a 2020. Mae uchafbwyntiau ei rôl yn cynnwys gweithio gyda dros 150 o ysgolion cynradd, uwchradd ac addysg arbennig ledled y rhanbarth i ddatblygu dulliau creadigol ac eang ar gyfer y cwricwlwm.  Yn ogystal, cychwynnodd, broceriodd a dyluniodd raglen arweinyddiaeth genedlaethol gyda’r Academi Genedlaethol ar gyfer Arweinyddiaeth Addysgol Cymru.

Mae ganddi 13 mlynedd o brofiad fel pennaeth pwnc ac athrawes ysgol uwchradd ac addysg bellach, M.A. mewn Ymchwil Ymarferwyr ac mae hi’n aelod a chydlynydd ar gyfer y Gymdeithas Datblygiad Proffesiynol Rhyngwladol. Mae hi hefyd yn Gymrawd Academi Frenhinol y Celfyddydau.

Papur diweddaraf: Richards, N. & Hadaway, S. (2020) ‘Inter-professionalism between teachers and creative practitioners: Risk, exploration and professional identity – learning in situ and the impact on practice.’ Practice: Contemporary Issues in Practitioner Education.

E-Bost: nia.richards’at’

Trydar: @NiaRichards1 @TybedWales