Performers’ FAQFAQ Perfformwyr

  About the FAQ (Last updated December 1st,2012) Please feel free to use the comments below to suggest other FAQ’s The following FAQ’s have been prepared to try and answer the questions we think you might want to ask with regard to our Terms and Conditions of Engagement. Nothing in the FAQ is meant as… Parhau i ddarllen Performers’ FAQFAQ Perfformwyr

Wedi'i gategoreiddio fel Newyddion

Canllawiau Anfoneb i Gyflenwyr a Pherfformwyr

(Diweddariad 03-05-2016) Bydd croeso i chi anfon anfoneb mewn ebost testun plaen (mewn ebost newydd heb unrhyw negeseuon os gweli di’n dda) fel anfoneb. Anfonwch o at cyllid ‘at’ ‘at’ = @  RHESTR WIRIO Eich enw busnes a chyfeiriad Dyddiad Treth / Dyddiad yr anfoneb Rhif Archeb Ensemble Cymru neu rhif ‘Engagement’ os ydych… Parhau i ddarllen Canllawiau Anfoneb i Gyflenwyr a Pherfformwyr

Wedi'i gategoreiddio fel Newyddion

Language PolicyPolisi Iaith

Introduction The purpose of the policy is to inform staff, trustees, suppliers, volunteers and stakeholders of the Ensemble’s principals for the use of Welsh and English. The policy reflects the Ensemble’s commitment to the Welsh language. The Ensemble is committed to providing its services through both the medium of Welsh and English to an equally… Parhau i ddarllen Language PolicyPolisi Iaith

Wedi'i gategoreiddio fel Newyddion

Safeguarding PolicyPolisi Diogelu

Definitions Vulnerable Adult 1)     In these Regulations “vulnerable adult” means a person aged 18 or over who is receiving services of a type listed in paragraph (2) below and in consequence of a condition of a type listed in paragraph (3) below has a disability of a type listed in paragraph (4) below. 2)     The… Parhau i ddarllen Safeguarding PolicyPolisi Diogelu

Wedi'i gategoreiddio fel Newyddion

Equal Opportunities PolicyPolisi Cyfleoedd Cyfartal

Ensemble Cymru is committed to equal opportunities policy and practice and will ensure that all employees and service users, both actual and potential, are treated equally and as individuals regardless of age, disability, ethnic or national origin, gender, marital or parental status, political belief, race, religion or sexual orientation. In implementing this policy Ensemble Cymru… Parhau i ddarllen Equal Opportunities PolicyPolisi Cyfleoedd Cyfartal

Wedi'i gategoreiddio fel Newyddion

The Reed TrioY Triawd Brwyn

  The Reed Trio The Oboe, Clarinet and Bassoon ensemble is often referred to as Trio d’Anche or Reed Trio.  As the name suggests each instrument uses the reed to make a sound.  The combination of instruments came to the fore in the 20th century thanks mainly to our French colleagues and composers including Milhaud,… Parhau i ddarllen The Reed TrioY Triawd Brwyn

Wedi'i gategoreiddio fel Newyddion