New year, new way of working!

On Wednesday morning, after successfully depositing two children at school, I made my way to the Millbank Community Centre in Holyhead.  I had been asked to attend the Little Pods Parent and Toddler group to see how Ensemble Cymru might be able to work with them.

I spent a lovely hour and a half chatting with the parents, playing with the children and finding out more about the group from Louise, the group organiser.  It’s very refreshing to start a project in this way.  No clear path set out, but a general desire to work together to develop something for the children, and perhaps the adults.

We’ve decided that the first step on our journey is for me to return next week to try out some musical activities with the children.  Watch this space to find out what happens!

We are grateful to the National Lottery distributed by the Arts Council of Wales; and the Gwendoline and Margaret Davies Charity for their support and the many wonderful individuals who continue to contribute so generously to our activities.