Aberystwyth MusicFest Xtra

Join Ensemble Cymru’s Principal Harpist, and current Royal Harpist, Anne Denholm, for a solo performance of music for the harp.


Marcel Grandjany – Rhapsodie
Trad., arr. J. Thomas – David of the White Rock 
Trad., arr. J. Thomas – Bugeilio’r Gwenith Gwyn
Dalwyn Henshall – Three Welsh Dances
Bernard Andrès – Elegie pour la mort d’un berger
Sally Beamish – Awuya
Pearl Chertok – Around the Clock Suite

In association with Musicfest Xtra.

Tickets: £10 /£8
Doors open 7pm.

Please see Ceredigion Museum’s website for more details.

Date 21/07/2018 Time 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm