The Reed TrioY Triawd Brwyn

  The Reed Trio The Oboe, Clarinet and Bassoon ensemble is often referred to as Trio d’Anche or Reed Trio.  As the name suggests each instrument uses the reed to make a sound.  The combination of instruments came to the fore in the 20th century thanks mainly to our French colleagues and composers including Milhaud,… Continue reading The Reed TrioY Triawd Brwyn

Categorized as Newyddion

Clarinet ar Ddawns

Mae’r ychydig fisoedd diwethaf wedi bod yn hynod brysur, ac rwyf wedi bod yn ymrafael â fy ngwaith âg Ensemble Cymru i’r eithaf. Hyd yn hyn, rwyf wedi bod yn rhan o dorraeth o gyngherddau, arwain nifer o weithdai addysgiadol, ac wrth gwrs, chwarae llwyth o gerddoriaeth newydd!